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APCG通信vol.19 「APCG2024  Workshop Speakerのご紹介」

#APCG通信 #Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness #アジア太平洋ギフテッド教育研究大会



今回はKimberley L. Chandler先生のご紹介です。


スピーカー:Dr. Kimberley L. Chandler

所属:Director of Curriculum for the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland


テーマ:Workshop 3 (optional): Designing Appropriate Online Learning Experiences for Gifted Students   (*30 people max)

略歴:Kimberley L. Chandler, Ph.D., is the Director of Curriculum for the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, where she supervises professional learning and curriculum development for online and face-to-face courses. Her professional background includes teaching gifted students in a variety of settings, serving as a central office administrator supervising school district gifted education/enrichment programs and managing federal grants, and providing professional development training for teachers and administrators nationally and internationally. Kimberley is the co-editor (with Jaime Castellano) of the 2022 book Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners: Meeting the Needs of Special Populations in Gifted Education. She has also served as the editor and contributing author of many curriculum materials from the Center for Gifted Education at William and Mary. She has served as Guest Editor of Journal for the Education of the Gifted (JEG) for special issues focusing on international issues in gifted education and learning resources.



