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APCG通信vol.25 「APCG2024 Keynote Speakerのご紹介」
#APCG通信 #Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness #アジア太平洋ギフテッド教育研究大会
今回はC. Matthew Fugate先生のご紹介です。
スピーカー:C. Matthew Fugate, Ph. D.
所属:Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education
テーマ:Supporting the Needs of 2e Students: A Strength-Based Perspective
略歴:C. Matthew Fugate, Ph. D., is Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education. He received his doctorate in Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies from Purdue University. His research interests include twice-exceptional students and students from underrepresented populations. He has presented to audiences nationally and internationally on a variety of topics including twice exceptionality, creativity, and culturally responsive practice in gifted education. Matthew is the President of the Texas Association for Gifted and Talented (TAGT) and has held a variety of leadership roles in the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). He has received the NAGC Early Leader Award, the Dr. Marcia L. Gentry Special Populations Early Career Award from the NAGC Special Populations Network, and named one of Variations magazine’s “22 People to Watch in the Neurodiversity Movement”. Matthew serves as the Associate Editor of Teaching for High Potential and has published several articles, book chapters, and books related to his work.