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APCG通信vol.24 「APCG2024  Keynote Speakerのご紹介」

#APCG通信 #Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness #アジア太平洋ギフテッド教育研究大会



今回は大隅 典子先生のご紹介です。


スピーカー:Prof. Noriko Osumi

所属:Tohoku University

テーマ:Biological and Developmental Origins of Neurodiversity


略歴:Noriko Osumi is Vice President at Tohoku University, Director of Tohoku University Library, and Professor at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. Her lab’s ongoing projects include investigating the molecular mechanisms of brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as their sex differences, using animal models. She is particularly interested in the regulatory mechanisms governing the transgenerational effects of paternal aging on offspring behavior. Dr. Osumi graduated from Tokyo Medical & Dental University, where she obtained her dental license and received her PhD in developmental biology. She began her academic career as an Assistant Professor at Tokyo Medical & Dental University and later served as a Group Leader at the National Institute of Neuroscience. In 1998, she became a full professor at Tohoku University. Prof. Osumi actively contributes to numerous academic, governmental and international committees. In 2022, she was awarded the Science and Technology Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the MEXT, recognizing her efforts to promote the understanding of science and technology and encourage female students to pursue science-related careers.



